The Treasury of Thoughts of Alisher Navoi


Alisher Navoi left a rich literary heritage. The great Uzbek poet, philosopher, thinker, creator is the author of unique works, more than thirty collections of poems, prose works, major poems and scientific treatises. Each of his works makes it possible to understand of the way of life of people of Central Asia of the XV century more deeply.

One of the poet’s most famous literary legacies is the collection of poems “Treasury of Thoughts”. Alisher Navoi himself compiled the collection in chronological order from 1498 to 1499. The “Treasury of Thoughts” includes four divans (the collection of small poems) that reflect the four periods of the poet’s life: “Quirks of childhood”, “Rare gifts of youth”, “Wonders of middle age”, “Instructive testament of old age”.

Each poet’s poem surprises with the artistic means and technics. In order to convey the topic and idea of the work to the reader more imaginatively and deeply, the poet uses metaphors, images and allegories, addresses the stories about Leili and Majnun, as well as about Farkhod and Shirin. Four divans are four metaphors, a hidden comparison of the four stages from falling in love to true fierce love.

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