Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

The Week of Cultural Legacy has opened in Uzbekistan

14.09.2021 1480

September 13, 2021, the 5th Congress of the World Society for the Study, Preservation and Popularization of the Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan “The Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan: the Foundation of a New Renaissance” started in Tashkent as part of the Week of Cultural Legacy held in Tashkent and other cities of Uzbekistan from September 13 to 21.

The Forum is attended by over 350 scientists and experts from 46 countries of the world and the republic: leading orientalists, Koran scholars, researchers, specialists in manuscripts and miniatures, and many others.

Today, September, 14, the guests of the Cultural Heritage Week are arriving in Khiva, where a large - scale event in the field of cultural heritage of Uzbekistan will be held - the International Cultural Forum "Central Asia at the crossroads of world civilizations".

The Forum is being held on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev and under the auspices of UNESCO. The International Cultural Forum is designed to bring together local and state figures from all over the region to discuss regional problems and solve them through effective cooperation.

One of the key events of the forum "Central Asia at the crossroads of world civilizations" will be the opening of the meeting of the Permanent Council of Ministers of Culture of the TURKSOY countries. Within the framework of the program, a report on the events within the framework of "Khiva - the cultural capital of the Turkic world", a presentation on the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2022, as well as the election of the Secretary General of the Turkic Republic for 2021-2024 will be heard.

More than ten exhibitions are planned to be held in the rich program of the Week of Cultural Legacy, which will acquaint Uzbek citizens and foreign guests with the unique masterpieces of art of our country. These are photo exhibitions of the archaeologist, researcher of Central Asian culture Leon Barshchevsky, "The history of Uzbekistan in photographs", "Cartography of Central Asia: between science and geopolitics", photo exhibition "100 outstanding manuscripts of Uzbekistan", an exhibition of Rishtan ceramics, a virtual trip to the monuments of Shakhrisabz and Samarkand "3D technologies in modern science", an exhibition of video art, painting by Zh. Usmanova "Poetry of A. Navoi", an exhibition of the numismatic collection of the National Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and others.

After Khiva, the participants of the Week will go to Nukus to participate in the International scientific and theoretical conference "The role of Bakhshi art in the civilization of world culture" at the Nukus School of Bakhshi, and will also take part in the opening ceremony of the International Festival of Bakhshi Art.

The international conference "Archeology and Tourism: Identifying the potential and Managing Heritage" under the auspices of UNESCO will also be held in Nukus. The conference participants will discuss issues of archaeological heritage management and geocultural branding, archaeological heritage in fundamental and applied science, and other topical issues.

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