Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Top 5 most beautiful fountains in Tashkent


On May 1, Uzbekistan celebrates Fountain Day. It is on this day that all fountains in the Republic begin their work. Some metropolitan fountains, like works of art, differ in shapes and sizes, have an interesting history of construction, and even “dance” to music.

1. The fountain near the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater is one of the oldest in Tashkent. It was designed as a cotton boll in 1947. In 2010, the fountain was reconstructed - now it is a dancing color and music fountain and one of the most crowded recreational areas in the city.

2. The fountain on the Independence Square of Uzbekistan is one of the largest. In 2005, it was restored, a lot of engineering work was done, night lighting was added, but the main concept of the fountain was retained.

3. Twin fountains located on both sides of the National Library named after Alisher Navoi - the first musical fountains. Insanely beautiful and spectacular. Design work in combination with music gives a full-fledged artistic performance, looking at which you experience aesthetic pleasure.

4. Cascade of fountains near the International Business Center and the International Hotel - a large and stylish fountain. Jets of water at different heights - give freshness and coolness to the busy part of the city, become a salvation for citizens and guests of the capital.

5. The musical fountain of the Tashkent City Park is the largest fountain in Tashkent. Its length is two hundred meters, it is located right in the center of the lake. Every evening, the fountain delights with an incredible laser light show, magnificent flowing figures, illuminated by bright changing colors. The flow of the fountain's water rises to an eighty-meter height, thereby attracting fascinated glances.

Of course, not all fountains are listed here. There are still a lot of beautiful fountains in Tashkent and other cities of Uzbekistan, decorating the cities and saving from the hot sun.

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