Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Top-6 exciting places to celebrate the New Year in Uzbekistan

26.12.2023 7089

New Year is the most long-awaited and favorite holiday. It’s always associated with childhood, a Christmas tree, feasts, all sorts of goodies and gifts, going to friends and always with pleasant emotions. Of course, the best New Year is a holiday with the family at home, this is a good old tradition. But sometimes you want to escape somewhere in the city or beyond, away from home preparations, kitchen and noisy TV.

We offer a selection of exciting places in Uzbekistan where you can go to celebrate the New Year and winter holidays.

New Uzbekistan Park in Tashkent

New Year's Fair in Tashkent City Park 

New Year in Magic City Park

New Year holidays at Bustonlyk resorts

New Year holidays in Zaamin

Fabulous winter in Bukhara and Samarkand

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