Tourism potential and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan will be presented in Spain

27.08.2022 1636

For the first time, Uzbekistan is taking part in the ancient cultural festival "Moors and Christians", which is being held from August 25 to 29 in the province of Valencia (Spain).

As part of the festival, which has been held annually in Spain since the 14th century, colorful and unforgettable processions will take place, reflecting the influence of ancient cultures and traditions of different peoples of the world on the development of modern civilization.

The initiative of Uzbekistan's participation in the largest event in Spain belongs to the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is planned that this event will have a positive impact on the promotion of the tourism potential and cultural and historical heritage of the Uzbek people among the population of the EU countries.

More than 10,000 people take part in the processions every year. More than 100,000 guests from all over the world are expected to attend the festival this year.

For reference: In December 2021, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan reached an agreement with the head of the public cultural center "Mudejares" Rafael Ferrero on the participation of Uzbekistan in the festival.

To present the tourism potential and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan at the festival, at the expense of the organizers of the event in Spain, Uzbek craftsmen and clothing designers made 600 national and historical costumes. Also, in the procession will be presented the image of the outstanding Uzbek commander, the founder of the Timurid Empire - Amir Timur.

It should be noted the contribution of the famous Uzbek designer Kamola Rustamova, better known as Azukar Moreno, to the festival

In addition, 8 special samples of musical works were made to order by Uzbek authors, which will be performed as part of the festival.

During the event, the delegation of Uzbekistan, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, national folklore groups, chefs, artisans and the media, will present the diversity of the cultural heritage and tourism potential of our country.

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