Tourist Information Bureau

20.04.2023 1631

Tourist Information bureaus are services that provide information about local tourist products, attractions, historical sites of the region, events, sightseeing routes, transport, shopping, entertainment events and much more.

Tourist information bureaus provide services around the world not only in capitals and major cities, but also in regions where tourism revenues are of great importance to the local economy.

The purpose of the tourist information bureau is to show the guests of the country the culture, traditions and customs of the country and increase its recognition as a tourist destination.

Tourist information bureaus can also sell tickets for local public transport or distribute tourist materials for free (maps, guidebooks, local history and historical literature, etc.). In addition, tourist information bureaus sell souvenirs, products of local craftsmen and artists.

Tourist information bureaus are usually indicated by the Latin lowercase letter “i”, there may be other types of signs.

Currently, countries such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France, Turkey, the UAE and their sources are leading in terms of the amount of tourist information provided.

Tourist information bureaus will mainly be located at airports, train stations, historical complexes, city centers and shopping centers. The bureau sells a large number of books and travel guides for tourists in different languages of the world, while at the tourist information bureau you can get free advice on travel-related issues and free services for drawing up an individual excursion route. Guidebooks describing the country's cultural attractions, resorts, department stores, hotels and restaurants are also offered.

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