Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Trainings on the development of SBT tourism in Uzbekistan was held in Tashkent

05.08.2021 875

The Association of Private Tourism Agencies of Uzbekistan (APTA) held a two-day seminar from August, 3 to 4 on the topic: "Organization of activities of participants in the CBT chain" with the participation of guides and representatives of the tourism business.


The project was implemented with the support of the USAID Project for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment "Future Growth Initiative (FGI)". The project is aimed at increasing economic activity and increasing competitiveness among the leading sectors of the economy and industrial companies, one of which is the tourism sector. CBT (Community based tourism) is community – based tourism, which implies a form of tourism in which representatives of the local community are involved and receive benefits from their activities.

Today, the potential of SBT tourism in Uzbekistan is inextricably linked with the cultural and national characteristics of the region and local communities. Recently, there has been a large increase in the number of SBT tourists, in accordance with which the number of family guest houses is also growing. The essence of SVT tourism is to benefit all participants of specialized tours from guides and representatives of travel companies to residents of a rural region who accommodate tourists, offer various services to study local life and culture, including craftsmen, souvenir shop owners, up to the conclusion of profitable contracts with potential investors.

During the 2-day seminar, the participants got acquainted with interesting presentations from leading experts of the SBT tourism development project in Uzbekistan: about the professional activities of participants in the SBT tourism chain, how to create a "rural hospitality" tourist product, studied the psychology of hospitality and service, the algorithm of working with complaints and claims of guests, the etiquette of business communication. 

The rich program of the seminar was also supplemented with practical classes and a lively dialogue between the participants and the organizers of the seminar, which involved the audience in the process of implementing creative ideas and new proposals for the development of SBT tours in Uzbekistan.


At the end of the seminar, the participants were awarded personal certificates from the organizers of the event.

The training-seminar was organized with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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