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Uzbek young cinematographers are leaders of the Golden Knight International Film Forum


From 24 to 31 May 2022 in Grozny, the XXXII International Film Forum "Zolotoy ritsar" ("Golden Knight") was held. Over the 32 years of its existence, the Golden Knight has held more than a hundred large-scale forums in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, including cinematographic, theatrical, literary, musical and fine arts. More than 10,000 cultural figures from 60 countries of the world took part in the events of the Golden Knight.

153 competitive and 12 non-competitive feature, documentary, animation, student, debut and children's films from 20 countries of the world - Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Iran, Jordan, Spain, Kazakhstan, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Switzerland took part in the XXXII International Film Festival "Golden Knight". The international jury of the XXXII ICF "Golden Knight" included the largest experts from Russia, Belarus, Argentina, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Argentina and Turkey.

In addition to the competition itself, the forum hosted film premieres with the participation of eminent cinematographers and discussion of films with the audience, film retrospectives, a scientific conference, a film school with a cycle of creative meetings and master classes. 

The film school and the scientific conference were attended by Doctor of Art History, academician of the IFA, director of the Tashkent VGIK Eldar Yuldashev.

Four paintings by students of the Tashkent VGIK took part in the competition program from Uzbekistan this year, there were also debut student works, short films, documentaries and full-length films. Thus, Uzbekistan took the first place in the number of awards, our films "Man", "Going into the Mirage" and "Scotch" were awarded special jury prizes, and the film "Scotch" separately also received a bronze diploma as the best debut film. 

As the Chairman of the jury, the President of the Nika Film Academy Andrei Konchalovsky noted, "this indicator speaks of a new wave of Uzbek cinema."

It should be noted that earlier these films were also highly appreciated at other prestigious international film festivals.

Source: Tashkent VGIK

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