Uzbekistan is recognized as the fastest-growing tourist destination


Uzbekistan is recognized as the "fastest-growing tourist destination-2019" by the popular British magazine Wanderlust World Guide.

The awards ceremony was held at the Olympia Exhibition Hall complex in London.

There were also named winners in such categories as "The most popular tourist city", "The most popular tourist country", "the Best airline", "the Best tour operator", etc.

The winners were determined by a survey of readers of the publication.

"Has there ever been a more memorable phrase "Silk road"? It conjures up visions of huge caravans and long desert trails leading to the most luxurious cities on Earth. Despite the fact that the Silk Road disappeared many centuries ago, its power and greatness can still bewitch.

Uzbekistan will make its debut in this ceremony thanks to its three historical cities on the Silk road – Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva," the magazine's editors write on their website.

You can view the results of the Wanderlust World Guide Awards 2019 ceremony at this link.

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