Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

What is included in the tasks of the Agency of Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan

09.08.2021 1625

Uzbekistan is a unique country located at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, has collected on its territory many architectural monuments, ancient fortresses and castles, mysterious and unique natural monuments, elements of folklore, many of which are now protected by UNESCO World Heritage.

The protection of our cultural values and monuments of ancient history is one of the primary tasks of any state. And therefore, according to the new decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a special agency has been created in our country, under the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, for the protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.

According to the new document, the Agency is called to:

- to protect the unique and inimitable cultural heritage reflecting the rich history and culture of the Uzbek people;

- to carry out digitalization, innovative development of the sphere and strengthening of its material and technical base;

- effectively apply the best international experience, as well as ensure the implementation of the decree "On measures to further improve the public administration system in the fields of tourism, sports and cultural heritage".

The Agency is a special authorized state body responsible for the management of material cultural heritage, museums, archeology, export and import of cultural values.

The main tasks of the Agency:

In the field of protection of objects of material cultural heritage:

- to identify, register, protect, promote, maintain the state register, electronic catalog, passports and state cadasters, determine the boundaries of protected objects of material cultural heritage.

- to effectively control the use of objects of material cultural heritage, including on the basis of public-private partnership, to carry out the digitalization of the sphere and the introduction of modern information technologies;

- carry out work on the preservation of material cultural heritage on real estate objects, perform the functions of the customer, continuously conduct scientific and technical control, conduct an expert examination for the impact of historical and cultural expertise and design and estimate documentation on historical and cultural value.

In the field of museums:

- to maintain a unified catalog of the national museum fund, to work on the inclusion of museum exhibits and museum collections in the national museum fund.

- coordinate and develop the activities of museums, improve the skills and retraining of museum employees, ensure the openness of the national museum fund to users, as well as carry out work on the restoration and preservation of museum exhibits and museum collections;

In the field of specially protected historical and cultural territories:

- to carry out the protection of specially protected historical and cultural territories, the development of passports, management plans, regimes and the definition of protected borders, the preservation of historical and cultural value, uniqueness, natural landscape and peculiar features of these territories and historical mahallas;

- to recommend the inclusion of historical sites in the World Heritage List, to monitor the implementation of the requirements of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the recommendations of UNESCO, the World Heritage Center and the World Heritage Committee on the territory of our country;

In the field of archeology:

- coordinate and monitor archaeological research, issue permits for archaeological research, conduct expert examinations and ensure the safety of scientific reports;

- maintain the state register of archaeological monuments, organize their transfer to the state, assign archaeological exhibits to institutions of science, culture, education, as well as their alienation;

- to protect the objects of archaeological heritage, to ensure the immediate conduct of research on archaeological sites that are on the verge of destruction, to preserve and turn archaeological sites into museums, as well as the creation of archaeological parks;

In the field of cultural values within the country and abroad:

- to protect cultural values, including the issuance of certificates for export outside the Republic of Uzbekistan and import of cultural values into the territory of our country, to conduct artistic expertise, etc.

- to work on the creation and regular updating of a complete database on cultural values abroad related to the history and culture of our country, the return of originals or copies, photo and video images of these values to their homeland;

- to publish bibliographic collections, catalogues and other printed materials containing scientific data on the cultural values of Uzbekistan around the world in different languages and widely cover in the media and the Internet, as well as to cooperate with international and foreign organizations in this field.

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