Where to go to forget about everything - to the Arnasai lakes


There are so many amazing places in Uzbekistan where untouched nature has been preserved, almost in its original form. Few people know about such wonderful places and few people have been there. One of these regions is the Aidar-Arnasai lake system.

Aydar-Arnasay lakes are located on the territory of the Jizzakh and Navoi regions of Uzbekistan and are included in the List of Ramsar Convention wetlands. Looking at the incredibly breathtaking views of these places, it is hard to believe that it is actually located in the middle of the desert, on the Arnasai lowland: between the Hungry Steppe and the Kyzylkum desert. The Aydar-Arnasay system includes lakes Aydarkul, Tuzkan and East Arnasay lakes. The total area of the lakes is four thousand square kilometers.

The East Arnasay lakes are located southwest of the Chardarya reservoir in the Jizzakh region. Until the 50s of the last century, there were no East Arnasay lakes, there was a dried-up salt lake, which only appeared in the lowlands in spring and disappeared again with the onset of hot weather.

The situation has changed as a result of the discharge of collector-drainage runoff from the developed lands of the Hungry Steppe and flood waters draining from the Chardara reservoir. Gradually, the Arnasay lowland began to fill up, and the Aydar basin was filled with water. This is how Lake Aydarkul appeared. In 1969, water was discharged from the Chardara reservoir and the Aydar-Arnasay lake system and Lake Tuzkan emerged.

The picturesque corner has become a favorite place for fish and migratory birds. On the shores of the Arnasay lakes, you can see dense thickets of reeds, turanga, cattail and tomaris. Dozens of birds find refuge in their thickets, including herons, croaks, spoonbills, ducks and many others.

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