Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

An advertising campaign to promote the tourism potential of Uzbekistan has begun on the international TV channel Euronews

07.09.2023 998

Uzbekistan has recently made a splash in the international arena as a tourist destination. One of the most notable events in this regard is the launch of an advertising campaign on the global, international television channel Euronews to promote the tourism potential of Uzbekistan.

As part of the campaign, 30-second English-language commercials will be shown 102 times on all currently available Euronews TV outlets for a period of 6 weeks.

The advertising campaign, launched on the international TV channel, introduces the unique cultural and historical sights of Uzbekistan. From the ancient cities of Samarkand and Bukhara to the modern capital of Tashkent, the campaign highlights the many reasons why Uzbekistan is a must-see travel destination. One of the campaign's key features is its focus on the country's rich cultural heritage.

In general, the launch of this project is an important milestone for the tourism industry in Uzbekistan. The use of the global media platform of the international television channel Euronews will increase the sympathy for Uzbekistan of an authoritative and influential international audience and attract even more foreign tourists to Uzbekistan in the coming years.

For information: Euronews is a Europe’s leading international news channel, providing global, multilingual news with a European perspective to over 400 million homes in 160 countries. With 12 cross-platform language editions, including 9 distinct TV editions.

Video source: Euronews

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