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A New Year with sports. Badminton competitions among media representatives will be held in Tashkent


Badminton is the most popular, affordable and most energy-consuming sport. Often, many people have a family vacation in nature and often cannot do without playing badminton. If you want to lose a couple of kilograms and spend your leisure time on vacation, play badminton. The essence of the game is to throw a special shuttlecock with rackets.

This interesting sport first appeared in India, the prototype of this popular game was " Poona ". Later, the sailors brought this game to England, where the game gradually began to gain popularity.

But we owe the appearance of modern badminton, which everyone is used to playing now, to the English Duke Beaufort. In 1973, the Duke of Beaufort, returning to his Badminton House estate from a business trip (India), brought with him equipment for playing "Poona".

Soon the Badminton House estate became the center of the development and distribution of the game, which, in this regard, received its current name "badminton".

Uzbeks also likes to play badminton. On August 26, 2011, the Badminton Federation of Uzbekistan was established. In September of the same year, the National Federation became a member of the Badminton World Federation and the Asian Badminton Confederation.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to support a healthy lifestyle and increase physical activity of the population”, open badminton competitions among representatives of the domestic media and members of the Badminton Federation will be held in Tashkent on December, 25 this year.

Following the results of the competition, participants and winners will be awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees, as well as medals and valuable prizes.

Sport event organizers: Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Badminton Federation of Uzbekistan.

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