Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Competitions for the Cup of the Minister of Tourism and Sports will be held in Samarkand


Sports and physical activity strengthen health. And tourism in any of its manifestations always requires physical activity. Without a certain attitude and preparation, you are unlikely to be able to cross several thousand kilometers, climb a hill, swim across a river or swim in a river or at sea.

Regular physical activity not only promotes health, but also reduces the development of serious diseases: hypertension, diabetes and cancer. In the long term, it has a positive effect on our health and improves the quality of life.

Therefore, it is not for nothing that our government make a priority to a healthy lifestyle and sports. Thus, in accordance with the Presidential decree of January 24, 2020 "On measures to further improve and popularize physical culture and sports in the Republic of Uzbekistan", as well as the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of November 19, 2020 "On additional measures to support a healthy lifestyle and increase physical activity of the population", a unified calendar of sports and mass events on physical education has been compiled in the country. According to the calendar plan, traditional sports competitions for the Cup of the Minister of Tourism and Sports will be held in Samarkand from November 27 to 28, 2021.

Competitions will be held on the territory of "Silk Road" Samarkand International University of Tourism and Cultural Legacy among students of higher education institutions of Uzbekistan in the following areas: badminton, chess, football, arm wrestling and quest games.

Participants and winners of the competitions will be awarded with valuable prizes and diplomas.

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