Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Cycling-a step towards a healthy lifestyle


You love life on the move, but are tired of the constant traffic jams and "deers" that block your path every now and then, violating traffic rules. There is a great alternative - a bicycle. With this vehicle, you can quickly get to work, to the subway, to the store or the nearest market.

In Uzbekistan, the bicycle, as a means of transportation around the city, is treated with some irony, climbing the "iron horse" (car) gives many young people the status of self-sufficiency and self-confidence, but this is only a superficial illusion. Today, most of the world's population has begun to think about health, a healthy lifestyle and environment protection. We all know that all this is interconnected, and everything we have recently is the result of our activity and attitude to nature.

Improve your fitness, prolong your life, spend time with your loved ones usefully, save money or fight for the environment - cycling can be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

Do you dream of losing weight

Cycling is a great way. Many people who want to lose weight often mistakenly believe that running is the best way. Yes, indeed, running burns calories, but what if your weight is large enough and falls on the body with every touch of the foot on the ground, this is a decent load on the spine and on the heart. A good alternative is a bicycle. You are moving and at the same time most of your weight is in the saddle, which saves the spine from dangerous loads.

Bike prolongs life

Scientists from Purdue University (USA) have proven that regular cycling reduces the risk of heart disease by 50%. According to the British Heart Foundation, about 10,000 heart attacks a year could be prevented if people kept themselves in shape. A couple of dozen kilometers by bike a week, and you will reduce the risk of heart disease by more than half.

And scientists have also proved that any regular physical activity reduces the risk of cancer, and some of them claim that a bicycle is especially effective in this.

"People who regularly engage in sports, in particular cycling significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, cancer, hypertension and obesity. The body works more efficiently, protects itself more successfully and produces new cells," experts of this university believe.

Save your youth

Scientists from Stanford University conducted studies among women aged 50-55 years and found that regular cycling protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and slows down the aging process of the skin. Improved blood circulation from outdoor exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to skin cells more efficiently, while at the same time removing toxins. Riding loads create an ideal environment in the body for improved collagen production, which helps reduce the number of wrinkles and accelerates healing processes.

Success at office

Your boss will love you. Because, firstly, you arrive at work before the others. Using a bicycle, you get to your destination 2 times faster than by car or public transport, bypassing traffic jams and traffic police control.

Scientists at the University of Bristol conducted a study among several hundred employees and found that people who cycle before work or during lunch break organize their time better, have increased motivation and cope better with stress. And this study also found that cyclists find a common language with colleagues faster, spend less time on breaks and more often finish work on time.

Vacation with family or a good example for children

Cycling is a great opportunity to spend time with family and children. Communication, good emotions, walks in the fresh air, family holidays - all this is often is being saved in the memory of the child for many years. But the cycling habit of far-sighted parents can give good results. If your child sees that his parents choose a healthy lifestyle, and you keep the love and trust in them, he will definitely continue this tradition.

Let's save the planet

It is believed that 20 parked bycicles take up as much space as 1 car. And these 20 bicycles do not pollute the environment as much as 1 car can.

The best way to solve the problem of environmental pollution is to make sure that there are fewer cars on the streets of the city and the most environmentally friendly and economical alternative is bicycles.

Bicycles are the most silent and maneuverable mode of transport and take up less space on roads and parking lots, which means they create additional space for others.

So, the choice is yours. In this article, of course, we do not suggest giving up driving altogether, but we recommend thinking about your health and making a bicycle another part of your life.

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