Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Favorite oriental delicacy - halva


Halva means "sweetness" in Arabic. And this name perfectly conveys the unique taste of a confectionery product that you want to try again and again. Halva is a great alternative to sweets and cakes, which do not bring anything useful to the body. Halva, unlike classic sweets, is not only tasty, but also a healthy, natural product that will give you vigor, strength, positive mood and the necessary supply of trace elements.
Uzbek sweetness HalvaВ

There are several types of halva in Uzbekistan. Among them are sugar halva from sunflower seeds, tahini or sesame halva, flour-based halva, nut halva, peanut halva, milk halva with the addition of cocoa powder, pistachios, chocolate, vanilla. Each variety has an unusual taste, melting in your mouth. Consider a few favorite types of halva.

From time immemorial, guests have been greeted with a bowl of fragrant tea with sweets. The hostess puts fruits, nuts, dried fruits, sweets on the dastarkhan. Not without oriental delicacy - halva. It has always been part of the everyday and festive table, was on the menu of ordinary residents, wealthy merchants and khans.

Halva from sunflower seeds or nuts is consumed on a daily basis, with tea after a hearty meal. There is a festive halva, which is usually prepared for certain holidays. For example, sugar syrup halvah is bought for a wedding and put on a tray for the bride's dowry along with other sweets.

There is a tradition when, after the custom of "fatiha-toy" (betrothal or engagement), a girl gives her consent to marriage. At home, matchmakers from the groom come up to her and break the cake, and put such halva on top. After that, the betrothal is considered perfect. Then this cake with sugar halva is distributed to relatives, relatives, neighbors and friends. In particular, girls who also need to get married.

For the Navruz holiday, an unusual delicacy holvaitar is prepared - this is a type of soft halva, as a rule, served in bowls, and if the sweetness of a thick consistency is cut into small pieces.

Another type of halva is pashmak. A wonderful delicacy, it is considered a good prophylactic for the respiratory system. Such halva is made from flour and hot caramel, and thin sweet threads are formed from the resulting mass.

In addition, there are Samarkand halva - prepared on the basis of honey, flour and butter, with the addition of nuts, as well as Kokand halva - prepared on cream, with the addition of chocolate and nuts.

The benefits of halvah within reasonable limits have been scientifically proven. The confectionery miracle, made exclusively from natural products, improves tone, improves blood circulation and brain function, increases concentration and efficiency, perfectly copes with satisfying hunger and overwork, restoring vital energy in the shortest possible time.


No wonder halva was the favorite delicacy of the Eastern padishahs and Central Asian khans. Halva often appears in parables and anecdotes associated with the witty scoffer and rogue Khoja Nasreddin:

Walking through the bazaar, Khoja Nasreddin came across a shop selling halva.

The owner of the shop had gone somewhere, and Nasreddin began to gobble up halva of all sorts that were only here. But then the owner suddenly appeared and began to beat Nasreddin with a stick. “An amazing man, the owner of this shop,” exclaimed Nasreddin, chewing halva with difficulty. “You don’t want to eat halva anymore, but he forces you to eat it with a stick!”

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