House-Museum of Sharaf Rashidov


The territory, on which the House-Museum is situated in the suburb of the Dzhizak-city. The house belonged to the Halilovs, parents of Sh.R. Rashidov: Rashid ota (the father) and Kuisinoi ona (the mother). On the insistence of Hursanoi Gafurovna, the spouse of Sharaf Rashidovich, the old adobe-brick house was re-planned in 1979. Unfortunately, Sharaf Rashidov did not have the opportunity to live in this updated house. But it was the place where his childhood and youth had passed; the place he left for the fronts the World War II and where he returned to. The main objective of the house-museum creation is preservation and research on the rich heritage Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov.

The museum has five rooms: the first of them is the exposition about Sh. R. Rashidov's life consisting of the documents and personal things, gifts of heads of foreign countries.

The next room is devoted to Hursanoi Gafurovna Rashidova, the spouse of Sh. R. Rashidov, and other members of his family. The documents and some personal things are presented. Sh. R.Rashidov's study exposes some things and books from the study in the Tashkent apartment (reconstruction).

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