Mazlumkhan-sulu mausoleum


The Mazlumkhan-sulu mausoleum (XII – XIV centuries) is a semi-underground architectural monument. On the ground surface we can see a portal and a dome, while the main part of the monument, as well as the central premises, are located downstairs, accessible through a vaulted corridor with stairs. The central hall of the mausoleum is square with three deep and one shallow niches covered with an octagonal dome. The walls are decorated with pale blue “bows.”

At the beginning of the 1930s Russian orientalist Nekrasov found an unbroken tombstone decorated with majolica. It had an extant fragment of epigraphic inscription in the Persian language: “Oh, my friend… be proud of me! Do not think that I was unhappy in a dusted cell. Be aware that I am a sanctuary close and think of me as one of the paradise recluses. A servant of the paradise…”

There is a very beautiful legend associated with the Mazlumkhan-sulu mausoleum. Once a local governor decided to give his daughter away to a man who could create something unusual and amaze the world. The daughter’s beloved erected an underground building, leaving a dome on the surface. The governor asked him whether he could prove his love and throw himself down from the unfinished dome. The boy threw himself and…

Two graves in the mausoleum are attributed to beautiful Mazlum and her lover.

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