National library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi


The National library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi in the architectural complex "Marifat markazi" is the largest repository of manuscripts and printed publications of the country. The library's collection contains the world's largest collection of works in the Uzbek language.

The library traces its lineage back to 1870, when the governor-general of Turkestan, Konstantin Kaufman, ordered the establishment of the "Tashkent public library". Russian scientist and bibliographer V. I. Mezhov was engaged to collect the first editions of the library.
The publications were mainly of the nature of the history of the Turkestan region, later they formed the basis of the multi-volume book "Turkestan collection", which is stored in the library to this day.

Over the years, the library has undergone various changes – the closure of the institution by order of the governor-general of Turkestan M. G. Chernyaev in 1882, the distribution of publications to various organizations, but still most of the Fund was saved thanks to the Supervisory Committee established in 1883, which included well-known scientists, historians, and teachers.
 In 1920, the library received the status of "State", and since then it receives all "mandatory copies" published on the territory of the Turkestan region. The library gets its current name in February 2020 after the merger of two large funds – the "Republican scientific and technical library" and the " National library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi", organized by the decree of the President of Uzbekistan "on improving the organization of research activities".


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