Natural first aid kit: Uzbek dried fruits are both delicious and healthy


What could be tastier than ripe, juicy and sweet fruits? Surely each of us was happy to look at bright yellow apricots with red spots that glow and shimmer in the golden sun through the green foliage. Or incredibly appetizing, expressive, selected grapes – a real gift of nature.Uzbek land, the heart of Central Asia, is rich in such gifts of nature. 

Here, on the sprawling and fertile fields, the most useful and most natural fruits grow in the foothill gardens.  Fruits are the most important component of our diet. As you know, the fruit season passes very quickly, and it is necessary to nourish the body with useful vitamins all year round. And then, since ancient times, the Uzbek people have learned to carefully preserve fresh fruits, turning them into dried fruits in a natural way so that they remain a delicious delicacy and a source of minerals.  Dried fruits are recommended for adults and children, pregnant and elderly, because there are a lot of useful properties of dried fruits. The positive effect of such products on the immune and nervous systems, on the work of the brain, on the normalization of the digestive system, on the work of blood vessels and the heart, as well as the removal of toxins from the body has been proven. In some countries of the world, dried fruits are recommended as a medicine and to raise immunity.

The most useful and favorite Uzbek dried fruits are dried apricots (dried apricots and apricots without seeds), raisins (white and black), dried figs. They can be eaten as a snack, as an addition to sweet dishes, and they are also added to cereals, pastries and even to hearty hot dishes. For example, it is customary to add raisins and dried barberry to Uzbek pilaf. They give the dish a unique taste and aroma.  

Uzbek dried fruits are gifts of nature, a universally recognized natural first aid kit, as well as an integral part of the national culture. A vase with dried fruits is a mandatory attribute of the Uzbek dastarkhan, and it is always placed before the start of the meal.

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