Natural scenery


The nature of Uzbekistan is so beautiful that it literally begs to be painted. As if with a skillful brush of the artist, every detail, every stroke and sketch is applied, which comes to life, which delights millions of travelers.

The splendor and attractiveness of the mountain peaks, the golden fabulousness of the endless deserts and the thoughtful silence of the steppes, broken by the breath of distant winds - all this creates an atmosphere of mystery of local landscapes. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, and everything in this region is harmonious and in its place. Every season of the year the nature of Uzbekistan reveals itself in its full glory.

Thanks to the continental climate, everything here is in tune with nature. In Uzbekistan, winters are mild, springs are sunny and rainy, summers are hot and dry, and autumns are fantastically beautiful.

The nature of our protected area is very diverse and you can enjoy it in different parts of the country, for example, by visiting: Ugam-Chatkal natural national park or tugai forests in the Amudarya river delta, picturesque foothills of Baysuntau or the region of "environmental disaster" near the Aral Sea, steppe areas and picturesque lakes the Kyzylkum desert, the Nurata mountains and the Aydarkul lake in the Jizzakh region and many other wonders of our nature.

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