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Tashkent Railway Museum


Address: 6 Turkiston Street, Tashkent

Reference point: metro "Tashkent"

Phone: (+998) 71-299-7277, 71-299-7040

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 9am-6pm

 Days off: Monday, Tuesday

Tashkent Railway Museum

Museum history

In the center of the capital of Uzbekistan, not far from the Tashkent Northern Railway Station, there is the Tashkent Railway Museum, which is often called the Museum of Steam Locomotives. The museum was opened on August 4, 1989 at the Central Palace of Culture of the Railway Workers. The idea of creating a railway museum appeared after the successful exhibition of locomotives in 1988, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Central Asian Railway.

Briefly about the museum

The open-air museum features a fascinating collection of rail transport. The museum is also a beautiful park about a kilometer long. In the past, the transport exhibited here has actively participated in regular trips on the railways both in Central Asia and outside the region for decades.

Here you will see diesel and steam locomotives powered by engines with a steam boiler, electric locomotives powered by electric motors, freight and passenger railway carriages, as well as examples of repair and construction equipment, self-propelled rolling stock and railway equipment. The exhibits of the museum were made in countries such as Russia, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland and the USA.

Several old carriages were equipped as a mini-museum of the history of the Central Asian railway. They contained the most interesting samples of parts and equipment, exhibits of models of trains, semaphores, maps of the routes of rail tracks of different periods of time, communications, radio, as well as badges, awards and uniforms of railway workers of the last century.

Visitors can either independently view all the trains they are interested in, or use the sightseeing train, in which the guide will tell in detail about each of the museum trains of this historical series, reflecting the "evolution" of railway transport. Almost all the exhibits are available for more detailed study and familiarization: you can touch them, climb onto the train, go inside the driver's cab, twist the controller, press the buttons.

How to get there

The museum can be reached by metro, getting off at the "Tashkent" station. Also, almost a third of the public transport of Tashkent passes near or within walking distance from it. Due to its location in the city center, it can be reached from any part of the capital by taxi at a very reasonable price.


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