The State Museum of Applied Atrs of Uzbekistan


To get in touch with the cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, you need to visit a number of museums in Uzbekistan, but to learn about the history of craft art and see its masterpieces, it is enough to visit the Museum of applied art in Tashkent.

The Museum was first opened in 1927 as an exhibition of works by master craftsmen of our country and was called the Museum of Handicrafts. However, in 1977, it received the status of a state Museum and was transformed into an existing Museum.

The Museum's collection contains more than 7 thousand of the best works of masters from the beginning of the XIX century to the present time, including ceramics, jewelry, gold embroidery, national clothing, suzans, carpets, skullcaps, miniatures and paintings on wood, porcelain, musical instruments and much more.


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