The State Museum of the Temurids History


One of the must-visit attractions in Tashkent for every tourist is the famous Timurids History Museum.

It was opened in 1996 in honor of the 660th anniversary of the outstanding commander Amir Timur, also known worldwide as Tamerlane.

The three-story rounded building of the Museum is framed by a dome in classic Oriental style. The interior is richly decorated with marble, unique paintings, and gold leaf. On the walls of the halls, a fresco depicts the life of Tamerlane, as well as paintings that convey the atmosphere of those times. The highlight of the Museum is a crystal chandelier with a height of 8.5 meters, which consists of 106 thousand pendants.

The Museum's exhibits tell visitors about the history of Uzbekistan during the reign of the Timurid dynasty. The Museum has more than 3 thousand exhibits. Here you can see jewelry, clothing, musical instruments, tools and other items of the middle ages. A copy of the Osman Koran, the Holy book of Muslims, is kept in the Central hall.

In the Museum you can also see numerous correspondence of Tamerlane and his descendants with the monarchs of European countries, paintings depicting the great commander, various miniatures and models of famous monuments built in our country by the Timurid dynasty.


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