Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Take part in the Nordic Walking Marathon


We lead a healthy lifestyle and we advise you too!

In October 2020, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and the further development of mass sports” and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional measures to support a healthy lifestyle and increase physical activity of the population” dated November 19, 2020 were issued. And therefore, at the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with a number of organizations, the Nordic Walking marathon is being organized.

The start of the marathon will be given on October 16 this year at 11:00 in front of the State Museum of Arts in Tashkent. Participants, moving along the street. Islam Karimov, will reach the finish line near the "Friendship of Peoples" Square. The total length of the distance is 4.6 kilometers.

Anyone can take part in the Nordic walking marathon. To do this, you can contact the following numbers:

+99897 772-99-96,

+99893 542-99-96 (Umid Rajabov)

A comment


Благодарим Вас за организацию такого грандиозного праздника, мы все придём👏👏👏👍👍👍 Клуб Ходи, Ташкент за здоровый образ жизни и за активное долголетие👍👍👍

Гули Джунаева | 14.10.2021

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