Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Tashkent region will host the “Amirsoy Polo Cup 2022”


Polo is a horseback ball game and amazing sport. It is also called the "sport of kings". This complex and spectacular team game requires players to master their body and excellent horse control and high concentration.

Great Britain is considered to be the historical birthplace of polo. It was there that modern horse racing fans came up with new rules of the team game and brought it to perfection.

In Uzbekistan, polo began to be played a long time ago, ethno-games such as ulok-kupkari and Turkiston were more popular in this region, but as a modern sport, equestrian polo in Uzbekistan began to develop relatively recently.

In 2018, new modern complexes for breeding and rearing polo-pony and karabair horses began to open in Kashkadarya and Ferghana regions, which, as it turned out, are most suitable for playing polo in Uzbekistan. In 2020, the Uzbekistan Polo Federation was opened. The Federation was headed by Bahromjon Gaziev, who previously held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Equestrian Sports Federation of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state program for the development of horse breeding, equestrian sports, modern pentathlon and polo in Uzbekistan until 2025", the Uzbekistan Polo Federation will organize equestrian polo competitions on snow "Amirsoy Polo Cup 2022" in the Bustonlyk district of Tashkent region on January 9, 2022.

The competitions are held in order to popularize this sport in Uzbekistan and open up new prospects for the mass development of equestrian polo in the regions of Uzbekistan.

It is worth noting that the equestrian polo competitions were already held in January 2021 at the Amirsoy Resort mountain complex. The competitions were held at an altitude of 1,820 meters and became the first snow polo match in world history played in the highlands of Uzbekistan.

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