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The premiere of the documentary film in memory of Sidney Jackson took place in Tashkent


January 13, 2022 in Tashkent the small hall of the “Cinema palace” (ex. the Panoramic Cinema) hosted the premiere of a documentary film dedicated to the legend and founder of boxing in Uzbekistan Sidney Jackson.

The event is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, SUE “National PR Center”.

The premiere of the documentary was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Olympic Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Federation of Professional and Amateur Boxing, the Federation of Savat (French boxing), coaches and athletes of the Republican College of the Olympic Reserve, representatives of the Agency for Youth Affairs, veterans of Uzbek boxing, famous athletes and media representatives.

The event was opened by the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan U. Azamov.

"Today our country can rightfully be proud of the famous Uzbek boxing school, the strongest in the entire Central Asian space, in fact, it grew out of the legendary Sidney Jackson boxing school. 

On the part of the state, thanks to the initiatives of the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev, there is a relentless support for domestic boxing in order to further improve the system of identification, selection and selection of talented athletes in the republic, improve training and financial incentives for specialists in this field, as well as preserve and continue to occupy the leading positions of Uzbek boxing in the world.” 

The Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Daniel Rosenblum, also delivered a welcoming speech at the event in a video message.

The Uzbek boxing school is famous all over the world today. Our athletes bring new victories from year to year, defending the honor and dignity of Uzbekistan in international sports arenas. Bahodyr Jalolov, Khasanboy Dustmatov, Shahram Giyasov, Murojon Akhmadaliyev, Shahobiddin Zoirov are the young stars of Uzbek boxing. The painstaking and invaluable work of mentors and coaches is invested in each of their achievements. After all, the victory of each athlete is in fact the victory of his mentor, his great contribution to the development of the skills of his ward.

The rise of Uzbek boxing has been going on for many years. And in all this, the great merit of the founder of the first Uzbek boxing school, the outstanding American-Uzbek coach Sidney Jackson.

The new documentary "The Phenomenon of Sidney Jackson" was filmed at the Tashkent film studio "Shayxontaxur-film" by a creative team led by the screenwriter and producer of the film B. Babayev, with the financial support of Orient Finance Bank and Golden House Group, the copyright of the film was transferred to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The life story of Sidney Jackson is a vivid example of self-assertion and dedication to his beloved work, even in conditions of hopelessness and life away from homeland.

Constantly living in Tashkent, during the harsh war years, he was able to create the "Sidney Jackson Boxing School", which operates to this day and has raised more than one galaxy of famous athletes.

Many important pages of the life and work of the legendary coach in Uzbekistan are told in the film by his daughter, now living in Tashkent, Paina Jakson, chief specialist of the Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan Malik Babayev, head coach of the Uzbek boxing team Marat Kurbanov, students of Sidney Jakson - legends and boxing veterans Rifat Riskiev, Mirsalikh Sagatov, Rinat Yusupov and many others.

We are sure that the story recreated in this picture will find its response in the heart of every viewer and will become a worthy example for many novice athletes and mentors, regardless of the type and direction of sports activity and place of residence.


You can also watch the film "The Phenomenon of Sidney Jackson" on social pages.

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