The village of Jeynau and a unique Arab community


Between the Zerafshan and Gissar ridges and the Sundukli sands there is a wavy plain - the Karshi steppe.
Part of the steppe is irrigated by the waters of the Kashkadarya river, which made it possible to use a significant part of the land for gardening and for sowing grain crops. In the eastern part of the steppe is the city of Karshi.
Steppe in Kashkadarya

Stepe in Kashkadarya is surrounded by numerous villages and small villages. Among them, the urban-type settlement of Jainau in Mirishkor district is a unique place where the Arab community lives.

Since the VIII century, Arabs from Saudi Arabia began to come to the territory of Central Asia. They were an amazing people, distinguished by diligence and mercy. The locals hospitably welcomed the peaceful wanderers.
Jeynau residents

The population of Jeynau is 50 thousand people, 80% of them are Arabs by nationality. For 14 centuries, the descendants of the Arabs managed to preserve their ancient traditions, identity, culture, lifestyle and way of life. The name of the village "Jeynau" comes from Arabic and means "we have come".

You can feel the flavor of Arab culture in the city everywhere: at the Dehkan bazaar and the narrow streets of clay houses. Here you will meet Arab women in traditional attire and with a gold earring in the nasal septum. Their traditional clothing is noticeably different from Uzbek, and elements of several eastern cultures have mixed in the national dances. In addition, the residents managed to preserve ancient crafts, including carpet weaving. They are made following ancient Arabic technologies.

The art of embroidery in Jeynau

The art of embroidery in Japan also makes jewelry, some of them are worn for large family celebrations, such as weddings. Family customs and rituals are carefully observed in the Arab community. As a rule, marriage is only between Arabs.There is an old mosque "Jeynau" in the city, which was built in 1242. 

People treat the elderly and elders with great respect and respect. The community remembers the language and customs of their ancestors, respects the traditions of their neighbors and loves the country in which they live.

Kashkadarya oasis has become a home not only for Arabs in Jeynau. The descendants of the ancient Arabs live in the Kasan and Kasbiy districts. A wonderful people, kind and sympathetic, is a pearl in the history of Uzbekistan.
Sunset in the Karshi steppePhoto: Umida Akhrarova

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