Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Traveling with kids


 Family holidays with children.

The most inspiring, but at the same time tedious option of travel is a family vacation with children.

We give a few useful life hacks for those who want to relax for the benefit of themselves and children, without getting tired of the constant hustle and bustle, to get the most positive emotions and impressions for the whole year.

When planning a vacation it is best to consider the following facts:


The best time to travel to Uzbekistan is from March to the beginning of June and then from the beginning of September to October. You can also come to Uzbekistan in winter, for example, go to the mountains and enjoy the winter landscapes of mountainous Uzbekistan, ride on skis and sleds, snowboard and cable car. Else you can come to Tashkent at any time of the year and show children the most beautiful metro in the world.

 Family holidays with children.

Age and number of children

We all remember the cult film "Home Alone", when parents took all the older children and relatives, and forgot the youngest at home. This is a prime example of what not to do. There is nothing better than a vacation in a narrow family circle. The youngest with their mother, older children with their father or grandparents. The main thing to remember is that children are a big responsibility, and in a foreign country it is a double responsibility.

The child's health 

The most important factor for traveling. Before traveling to any unfamiliar country, it is worth checking the health of the child, to know if he has an allergy to anything, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future. Be sure to take a first-aid kit with a standard set: antipyretics, antiseptics, antibiotics, alcohol and other necessary medications. In Uzbekistan, medicine works at the proper level, there are round-the-clock pharmacies and medical emergency services. The most important thing during a trip to Uzbekistan is to take into account the state of the weather, in hot and cold times do not go bare-headed.


Before you travel, you need to prepare all the necessary documents in advance and check their validity period, so as not to get into an accidental situation at the airport. To travel to a foreign country, a child must have a child's passport issued abroad or a general citizen's passport. This document specifies the names of the parents or accompanying person during the trip. If you have this stamp, you do not need to bring your parents ' notarized consent to take your child abroad separately.


Flight time 

Do not want to run after a child in the cabin, better to choose a night flight, night flight are not so much so at the airport you quickly pass all the inspections and from in the cabin, under dim lights, with your child some shut-eye before the trip to the city.

Proper and cosy seats 

Many airlines have seats on the plane you can book in advance when you buy a ticket. If you have very young children, for example, up to a year, it is better to be placed in the first row. In this case, it is important to warn the agent when buying a ticket and checking in for the flight about the need for a cradle and special baby food during the flight.

Kid’s time

Traveling to different countries, tourists usually go out of their usual mode. This is good for adults. If you do not want to get tired of traveling with children, it is better to follow the usual regime. For example, young children need to get a good day's sleep and eat on time. It is important to create all conditions for the child so that he does not experience discomfort. After all, a change of environment for a child is, though small, but stressful.


Very good option for family groups – guest houses. First, it is an opportunity to plunge into the national environment, guest houses are usually located in the suburbs, national quarters, where the life of the city is boiling. Secondly, to see how the ordinary population lives, to get acquainted with their traditions and rituals, family values – this will very well increase the horizons of your little wonderkind.


Leisure and education 

Children have a very good memory, and travel is a great opportunity to increase their horizons, learn foreign languages. There are a lot of historical places in Uzbekistan, the main thing is to have a good guide who will be able to interest even the smallest tourist, perhaps encourage them to come again in the future. The main thing for a parent is to set up their child on a positive wave and present the trip as an adventure, go to Uzbekistan and get into a real Eastern fairy tale.


Climate change, change of environment is different for children, so we recommend that in the first days of the trip to organize a gentle regime for the child, less new experiences to avoid overheating or hypothermia and be careful when eating local food. From the first step on the new earth, your child gets new impressions and emotions and it is important to be always close to the child, to be his protection and support, a pioneer and defender.

 And so follow these rules and travel with pleasure!

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