Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Equestrian competitions Ulok-Kopkari were held in Andijan


Within the framework of the Youth Forum of Uzbekistan-2021, many projects and events are being held throughout the republic.

So, yesterday in the Andijan region, the next stage of the Ulok-kupkari equestrian competition were held.

About 500 young riders competed for the victory in the competitions organized with the aim of popularizing national sports among young people. The event was attended by more than 5,000 people.

Ulok-kupkari is an ancient competition of the nomads of Central Asia, comparable in entertainment to the Spanish encierra and the American bull rodeo. Thousands of players on horseback, in clouds of dust, in excitement and with fearlessness are fighting for the carcass of a young goat or ram.

The kupkari tournament is another reason to get acquainted with the rich culture, ethnosport, which is rooted in the deep antiquity of the Uzbek people.

According to the results of the competitions, participants and prize-winners were awarded with diplomas, valuable and monetary prizes from the organizers of the competitions.

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