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Uzbek music


Many people say that to understand a particular culture, to feel the life of people, you need to listen to their national melodies. In some regions of Uzbekistan, various local styles of folk music are preferred: Ferghana-Tashkent, Bukhara-Samarkand, Surkhandarya-Kashkadarya and Khorezm.


In the Tashkent and Ferghana regions, the genres of Katta—ashula (big song) or panys—ashula (songs performed with a tray) are very popular, and in the Bukhara and Khorezm regions, maqoms were more often performed, while the residents of Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya were characterized by dastans and dombra plays. Most Uzbek melodies and songs are associated with rituals, holidays, various ceremonies, traditions, customs and everyday life of the people. The most popular songs are “Kelin Salom” (“Greeting of the bride”), wedding “Yor-yor”, “Ulan”, lullaby “Alla” and others.

The pearls of Uzbek musical heritage and creators of musical works, leaders of ensembles of folk instruments of the XX century (in the field of one – voice) on modern topics are the following folk - professional musicians: Akhmadjan Umurzakov, Imamjan Ikramov, Mukhitdin Kari-Yakubov, Matyusui Kharratov, Nabijan Hasanov, Tokhtasyn Jalilov, Usta Alim Kamilov, Fakhriddin Sadikov, Shorahim Shoumarov, Yunus Rajabi, and many others.

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