Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Jeet kun do Championship will be held in Tashkent


Martial arts are one of the most fascinating sports. Martial arts of the countries of the East were distinguished by their postulates, where religious and philosophical teachings were laid down. There are more than 100 types of martial arts known in the world. A special place among them is occupied by martial art, or as it is commonly called “the method of martial art” - Jeet kun do.

This method was conceived by the legendary Bruce Lee. Translated from Chinese, it means "The Way of the advancing fist". Bruce Lee called Jeet Kune-Do a "method" because, according to his philosophy, Jeet Kune-Do can be used in any kind of martial arts, as well as in self-defense practices.

"The easy way is the right way. In a fight, no one cares about beauty. The main thing is confidence, honed skills and accurate calculation. Therefore, in the Jeet kun do method, I tried to reflect the principle of "survival of the fittest". Less empty movements and energy - closer to the goal." - Bruce Lee's phrase was quoted in his wife Linda Lee's book "The Man Only I Knew".

The Jeet kun do method was originally intended for successful self-defense in a street fight. The Jeet kun do technique covers many styles of martial arts — Wushu, Jiu-jitsu, Taekwondo, as well as English and Filipino boxing,

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the procedure for organizing and holding mass events”, the Jeet kun do Championship of Uzbekistan will be held in Tashkent from February 18 to 20 this year.

Sports competitions are organized by the Jeet kun do Federation of Uzbekistan with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

All competitions of the championship will be held in strict compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

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