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Ancient settlement of Ming Urik


Address: 31 Moshtabib Street, Tashkent

Reference point: "Tashkent Polytechnic Professional College"

Hours: Monday-Saturday: 10:00am-05:00pm

Day off: Sunday

On one of the central streets of Tashkent, not far from the Amir Timur Square, there is a unique hill called Ming Urik (literally translated as "Thousand Apricots").

Ming Urik Museum

In fact, this hill is the ruins of an ancient fortress that guarded the capital of the Turkic Khaganate Chach. According to archaeological research, the city existed at the beginning of the 1st century AD, even before the arrival of the Arabs in Central Asia.

Archaeologists first became interested in this unique area at the end of the 19th century. Then the first research began and the first artifacts were discovered.

As scientists assume, the complex located here served as an ancient residence of the Turkic rulers. The layout of the premises and the scheme of buildings indicate that ancient pagan temples were located here, with open altars for fire.

The capital city of the ancient khaganate existed until the 4th century AD. According to Chinese sources, the territory of modern Tashkent was part of the state of Kangyui. After the collapse of the Kangyui state, this region on which modern Tashkent is located at the beginning of the 4th century turned into an independent state.

The unique settlements Ming-Urik, Kanka, Shashtepa, located on the territory of Tashkent, are vivid evidence of how the historical urbanization of the capital took place.

Today, the Ming-urik settlement and the museum located on the territory are under state protection and are the most interesting objects for studying the history of Tashkent.


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