Chatkal Biosphere Reserve


Chatkal Biosphere Reserve is located in the south of Ugam-Chatkal National Park. The total area of the reserve is 45 thousand hectares. It is divided into two sections – Boshkizilsoy and Maidontol. The first one stretches on the southern slopes of Chatkal at an altitude of 1000 to 3247 m, and the second one – on the northern slopes and glaciers at an altitude of 1200 - 3800 m.

The picturesque landscapes of the reserve are represented by mountain ranges, decorated with juniper forests, alpine and xerophytic meadows and windy steppe zones.

Chatkal nature reserve is dotted with mountain patterns, caves and noisy waterfalls. And in the southern part of Maidontol, on the rocks near the coast of the Tereksai in the Karasau tract, you can observe ancient cave paintings – the Tereksai petroglyphs. In addition, very interesting ornithological tours are held in Chatkal reserve.


A comment


Yaxshi malumotlar bu men uchun tarbiya darsiga kerak bòlgan eda lekin malumotlar kamroq ekan ,

Maxmud Yangiboyev | 23.04.2022

Bu qo'riqxonaga kirish uchun ruxsatnomani qayerda rasmiylashtirsa bo'ladi?

Kamronbek Yusupov | 15.05.2023

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