In the way of stars and quasars. Maydanak high-altitude observatory


In 45 km from the city of Shakhrisabz, in the Kamashi district of the Kashkadarya region,  the Maydanak astronomical observatory with the largest one-and-a-half-meter telescope in Central Asia is situated. The observatory was opened in 1970. Now it is an equipped station with the most modern equipment. The observatory belongs to the Mirzo Ulugbek Astronomical Institute and together with foreign scientists conducts cooperation in the study of astronomy.

The observatory is located at an altitude of 2650 meters above the Hissar mountain range.  The unique geographical location, ideal atmospheric conditions and a powerful telescope allow the astronomical observatory to accurately observe the movement of changing stars and galaxies, study clusters of celestial bodies, monitor changes in quasars and supernovae. 

Being one of the best observatories in the Northern Hemisphere, more than 80 asteroids, four comets and a new minor planet were discovered here. The minor planet was named "Samarkand" and was included in the International Catalog of Minor Planets. It was discovered by Uzbek astronomers in July 2010.  It is known that a small planet orbits the Sun with a period of about four years between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

An impressive territory of about 40 hectares has been allocated for the observatory. On the wide expanses among the mountains, the sky seems especially low, and the stars are so close. Here you can see fossils of marine animals, an ancient dormant volcano, and the freshness of the air and the magnificent landscape are fascinating.


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