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Mausoleum of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah


A few kilometers from the city of Karshi in the Kashkadarya region, not far from the tea house "Muzhiza" is the memorial complex of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah.

It is believed that visiting the mausoleum of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah gives spiritual purification to pilgrims, fulfills cherished desires and heals from many ailments.

мемориальный комплекс Абу Убайда ибн аль-Джаррах

Abu Ubaida ibn al-Jarrah was one of the main companions of the Prophet Muhammad and the first person to convert to Islam. His pedigree went back to kinship with the great prophet. A companion of Islam in pre-Islamic times occupied a fairly high position in society. For his exceptional mind, along with Abu Bakr, he was called "the leader of the Quraysh tribe." Abu Ubaidah was a very principled person, he reacted sharply to the situation and understood the true essence of things. Hearing from the prophet the first suras and information about the new religion, he was the first to decide to follow his teacher and convert to Islam. 

мемориальный комплекс Абу Убайда ибн аль-Джаррах в Кашкадарье

Once in a battle, the Prophet Muhammad was wounded in the cheek with chain mail, then Abu Ubaydah showed courage and hurried to his aid, tearing out the rings from chain mail with his teeth due to which he lost 2 teeth. Abu Ubaidah was a just commander and gave great support to fellow believers. The Prophet Muhammad himself spoke of him: "In every ummah there is a faithful and reliable person, and in our ummah such is Abu Ubaida." After that, the nickname “Emin al-ummat” stuck to him, i.e. “fearlessness, the hope of the ummah.” Abu Ubaidah died in 638 in Jordan during a plague that engulfed the entire region at that time.

Мавзолей Абу Убайда ибн аль-Джаррах

Amir Temur in one of his campaigns, seeing his burial, ordered to bring the ashes of Abu Ubayd ibn al-Jarrah to his homeland. Today, this historical monument occupies an area of about 2.5 hectares and includes several objects at once: a darvozakhona (entrance portal) with carved gates, a blue dome, a majestic mausoleum and a high minaret. iwans.

A spring flows on the territory of the mausoleum, the waters of which fill the houses built here, and in the greenhouse right next to the architectural ensemble, seedlings and flowers are specially grown, which are then used to plant trees and shrubs in the architectural ensemble and its environs.

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