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Mausoleum of al-Khakim at-Termizi


Sacred to the Muslims, the mausoleum of al-Khakim at-Termizi is an architectural monument located on the outskirts of the old city of Termez. An outstanding Islamic figure, author of various philosophical and religious works, the Creator of the order of dervishes-Abu Abdulloha Ibn Hasan Ibn Bashir al-Khakimi at-Termizi is buried in the mausoleum. He was also called reverently Termez-ota, which means the father of Termez. According to the legend, at the age of ten, he had a revelation – an old man appeared to him and gave him knowledge. With age he became famous, but continued to live modestly in his parents’ home. Khakim at-Termizi died a horrible death: at an advanced age, he was beheaded by invading enemies (the end of the IX century).

According to the legend, Genghis Khan, struck by the unique masterpiece of the monument, ordered his army not to destroy it, as he believed that it was created not by people, but by gods.

There is a dome above the mausoleum, and inside the building has a quite luxurious decor. The tombstone of the saint, made of marble and decorated with unique patterns and Arabic inscriptions, draws the attention of the visitors. The memorial mosque attached to the ensemble later is adjacent to the mausoleum.

There are a number of interesting sights on the territory of the complex at-Termizi: chillahona – the ancient cave structures of V-X centuries A.D., the ruins of the ancient city Tarmita (old Termez) and the museum of Termez and locals.


Architectural complex Hakim at-Termizi Landmark in Surkhandarya region


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