Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Mausoleum Of Khoja Amin


Namangan is home to the most interesting monument of the past – the mausoleum of Khoja Amin. According to the legends, Amin Khoja, the heir of one of the most famous Tashkent Shaikhantaur sheikhs, is buried in the mausoleum.

The facade and dome of the mausoleum were built around the second half of the XVIII century. To create it, the masters used traditional styles of Central Asian architecture. After a while the mosque was completed, but, unfortunately, only parts of the mosque and the mausoleum have survived to our days.

The fragment from the Koran (2255) is carved on the pylon of the portal. On the portal towers there are five belts of inscriptions of the formula (creed of faith), as well as the fragments from Koran in the following order (starting from the top): 1. the formula of monotheism is after “Bismallah”; 2. the same; 3. Koran, 112; 4. the fragment from Surah al-Anbiya “The Prophets” (2187).


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