Mehmon Abdusattarov


Mehmon Abdusattarov was born on April 13, 1953 in the Suzuk-Ota Mahalla of Tashkent. His interest in crafts, in which his ancestors found true satisfaction began from early childhood. It is known that his grandfather, Abdusattor Abdukhailovich (1878-1972), was an experienced woodcarver who performed many carvings and decorations in the house of the Uzbek writer Abdullah Kodiriy. Even though Mehmon Abdusattarov's father worked as a pediatrician in a hospital, out of great love for his craft, he always found time after work to make various items. The memorable words of his grandmother: “A person who masters a craft will never go hungry,” inspired the master and instilled confidence in the future. Indeed, the art of creating elegant wood products is a real treasure.

The work of a craftsman is always exciting and interesting. All three sons of Mehmon Abdusattarov also inherited his passion for this business, seeing their father as an example to follow. He also teaches carving skills to several students, many of whom have already opened their workshops in different parts of the country. The artisan believes that passing on knowledge is not only an obligation but also a sacred vow. Therefore, he is ready to teach all the secrets and pass on the skills to his grandchildren so that they continue the work of their ancestors.

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