Museum of Nature


Address: Zarkaynar Street 1, Tashkent

Reference point: Chorsu metro station

Phone: (+998) 71-240-01-53  

Working time: Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m - 5 p.m; Saturday - Sunday 10 a.m - 4 p.m;

Day off: Monday

Web-site: Museum of Nature

The State Museum of Nature of Uzbekistan is located in Tashkent and is one of the oldest not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout Central Asia. It was opened in 1876 and since then the museum has been replenished with exhibits from the world of animals and plants, including those that lived on the territory of Uzbekistan. Currently, the museum's fund contains more than 400 thousand units of zoological and geological materials.

The museum is divided into four sections, which showcase exhibitions related to flora and fauna. Perhaps the most unusual and unique exhibits are the remains of mammoths, various animal mutants, embryos, as well as birds and animals on the verge of complete extinction.

In order to convey the relationship in nature as clearly as possible, the museum uses the landscape method in depicting expositions. This method visualizes the ecosystem, natural landscape, various relief areas, animals and trees, and even the solar system with the smallest details and accuracy.

Among the numerous expositions in the museum, you can see an ostrich, an ancient lion, an albino peacock, a large turtle, rare birds with their detailed descriptions.


Le musée national de la Nature qui se trouve à Tachkent, est considéré comme l’un des plus anciens musées non seulement en Ouzbékistan, mais aussi dans toute l’Asie Centrale.
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