23 kilometers from Navoi, where caravans once passed, there are the remains of a once magnificent palace of the XI century - the Rabat-i Malik caravanserai, which means "Royal Fortress". Locals nicknamed the remaining portal "The Gates of Bukhara".
Rabat-i Malik Caravanserai Rabat-i Malik was a fortified steppe residence of Turkic rulers from the Karakhanid dynasty who owned the lands of Transoxiana in the XI-XII centuries. From the XIII century, after the Mongol conquest of Central Asia, until the beginning of the XVIII century, Rabat-i Malik served as a caravanserai for stopping trade caravans.
The residence included living rooms, a kitchen, a bathhouse, a mosque and stables. Not far from the gate there was a Sardoba - the main source of water supply, which has survived to this day. One of the segments of the Silk Road ran here.
Rabat-i Malik Caravanserai Today you can see only the ruins of the caravanserai and the entrance portal. The caravanserai was first mentioned in the middle of the 19th century. Its appearance was restored based on the drawings of travelers, as well as on the results of archaeological excavations of the last century, when the 27-year-old naturalist A. Lehman made sketches of the monument.
The portal of the caravanserai is lined with brick, forming a pattern of octahedrons and shamrocks. The perimeter of the portal arch is decorated with a belt of epigraphy.
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