Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

The State Museum of History


Located in the center of Tashkent, the State Museum of history of Uzbekistan is one of the first museums in Central Asia. Opened since 1876.

The Museum displays more than 250 thousand old objects, finds and artifacts that allow you to learn the history of the peoples of Central Asia who inhabited the territory of Uzbekistan, from the Stone age to the present day.

Here you can find a statue of the Buddha of the I century, found in the Surkhandarya region, a bronze Saka goat (IV-V centuries BC), decorated with animal figurines, ancient ceramics, fabrics, coins, works of art, historical documents, photographic materials and other exhibits that allow Museum visitors to get acquainted with the ancient civilizations of the East and learn the most important epochs of the history of our region.


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Assalomu alekum tarix muzeyiga qadimiy narsa topshirish uchun qayerga murojaat qilish lozim.

Bonu Davronova | 31.01.2023

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