Tashkent is at the top for self-isolation compliance

13.04.2020 1102

Our capital has 4.4 points out of 5 in the Yandex.Maps index of self-isolation and compliance with necessary measures during the pandemic. The ratings on the site are being constantly updated. This section is designed to identify the urban activity and compare the level of residents’ self-isolation.

The higher the score is, the harder it is for the coronavirus to spread. Bishkek has the same rate of 4.4 points, Baku is in the second place (3.8 points), and Almaty – in the third place (3.7 points).Thus, our capital becomes an example of self-isolation compliance for many cities around the world.

Dear residents of Uzbekistan, thank you for your responsibility in compliance with the self-isolation regime in the current conditions. We hope that the Yandex rating in this section will grow.


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