Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Travel around Uzbekistan in a trailer car


In Europe and America, traveling by trailer car has long been commonplace. This is very convenient, especially for a trip with one large family to explore new lands. You travel like a snail when you have your home and everything you need with you. You can stay in the most beautiful picturesque places, often in specially authorized camping sites.

Just imagine what it's like to have your own mobile home, go with the whole family to the most remote places of Uzbekistan and your journey will take shape under the motto: "Every morning outside the window is a new view"!

As a rule, trailers on wheels come in several types. They are also called motorhomes, campers, motorhomes, caravans, trailer cottages, motorhomes, etc. There are self-propelled houses and trailers. Self-propelled houses are divided into classes, depending on the living conditions. Trailed trailers also come in several types, depending on the equipment with all the necessary household appliances for travelers. Some trailers may include a kitchen, a compact dining room, a bedroom (possibly several), a toilet and a shower room.

This type of travel is a unique opportunity to see the country in all its color, get to know traditions and customs better, meet different people, enjoy wildlife.

This type of travel is especially relevant against the background of a pandemic, when it is necessary to observe social distance and strict sanitary and epidemiological measures. At the moment, new tourist routes in the field of ecotourism are being actively developed in Uzbekistan, camping sites are being worked out, which will allow free travel to the regions. You will not need to book hotel rooms, be tied to a certain daily routine. All you need to buy or rent a trailer and you will be able to stay in the most beautiful places of our country and enjoy an independent journey.

Night over a tent camp on the Arashan lakes, Namangan region, photo by Roman Valiev

Summarizing the results, we can draw the following conclusions: 

1. Traveling by car with a trailer is a safe and convenient journey, especially during a pandemic.

2. You can drive through the whole country, starting from the easternmost point of Uzbekistan, the city of Khanabad, Andijan region, and ending with the westernmost point of the Ustyurt plateau in Karakalpakstan. Thus, to see the most beautiful and unusual places of our country.

3. You can leave with the whole family.

4. The opportunity to independently explore the territory of Uzbekistan, get acquainted with the uniqueness of each region.

5. Rich experience and valuable memories will remain for a lifetime.

A comment


En febrero de 2023 vamos a ir hacia Uzbekistán Kirguistán y Tayikistán. Viajamos en autocaravana. Cuantos días podemos permanecer en Uzbekistán?. Como saco un seguro a la autocaravana?

Joseba Garcia de Salazar | 04.12.2022

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