Kazan patyr – flatbread in the cauldron


Sometimes we are happy with so little: warmth, kindness, hugs of a loved person and a piece of fragrant bread! One can talk about Uzbek bread for a long time, because it is a real delicacy.

Kazan (cauldron) patyr is the hot flatbread with tender crumb and crispy crust. This bread is especially good for breakfast with fresh cream and tea. Traditionally, Uzbek bread is baked in a “tandoor”, but Kazan patyr is prepared in the cauldron. This method of making bread is common mainly in the Jizzakh region.

The flatbread is placed at the bottom of a heavy, hot cast-iron cauldron. When one side of the bread is browned, it is turned over. Before baking the bread is decorated with beautiful patterns in the centre. Skilled housewives prepare this dish with their own hands, without any tools. But for beginners we advise to prepare this dish with extreme caution.

Before to serve up the table, you can put butter in the middle of the hot bread; it will give it an incredibly rich taste.

Watch our video, where the famous chef  Bahriddin Chustiy demonstrates, perhaps, the best and, no less important, the traditional way of cooking delicious Kazan patyr.

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